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Sep. 20, 2024


Issuance of the Oji Group TNFD Report 2024

Oji Holdings (CEO: Hiroyuki Isono, Head office: Tokyo) proudly announces the issuance of the Oji Group TNFD Report 2024. This report summarizes the Oji Group’s nature-related issues and initiatives in line with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) published in September 2023.


The Oji Group owns and manages approximately 640,000 hectares of forests in Japan and overseas. Under its long-term vision "Environmental Vision 2050," which aims for "Net-Zero Carbon" and "Harmony with Nature and Society," and its milestone "Environmental Action Program 2030," the Oji Group promotes sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation.


In January 2024, Oji Holdings registered as a "TNFD Early Adopter" and has been preparing to disclose nature-related information. This TNFD report discloses the Oji Group's nature-related issues and initiatives along the four pillars of the TNFD recommendations: Governance, Strategy, Risk and Impact Management, and Metrics and Targets.

Specifically, CENIBRA in Brazil, which owns and manages the largest forest in the Oji Group, was certified by a third-party (public certification body) for its contribution to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity, which exceed the impact of its business activities. The report focuses on its nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities, and responses to them.

Additionally, the report includes information about our ongoing efforts to visualize the value of company-owned forests in Japan.


The Oji Group will continue to advance the evolution of nature-positive management, balancing its management philosophy of "Harmony with Nature and Society" with the enhancement of corporate value, while ensuring appropriate information disclosure to stakeholders.



The Oji Group TNFD Report 2024



The Oji Group Environmental Vision 2050    https://ojiholdings.disclosure.site/en/themes/191/

The Oji Group Environmental Action Program 2030    https://ojiholdings.disclosure.site/en/themes/150/

The TNFD website    https://tnfd.global/



Corporate Sustainability Department, Corporate Sustainability Division,

Oji Holdings Corporation

Phone: +81-3-3563-7020 E-mailojihdss@oji-gr.com

Public Relations and Investor Relations Department, Corporate Governance Division,

Oji Holdings Corporation

Phone: +81-3-3563-4523 E-mailoji-holdings@oji-gr.com