Management Philosophy
The Oji Group has grown into a global company group with diversified businesses and overseas sales ratio of over 30%, with the management philosophy of “Creation of Innovative Value”, “Contribution to the Future and the World”, and “Harmony with Nature and Society”. In the midst of the recent drastically and rapidly changing business environment, we reaffirm our commitment towards being a manufacturing company that meets the ever-changing needs of the times and supports our future. Oji Group will continue advancing forward, aiming towards the development of a sustainable society.
Creation of Innovative Value
We will strive to offer “innovative value” that fulfill the society’s latent needs by swiftly grasping the change in values across broad fields of the society and promoting the “challenging manufacturing” with novel ideas.
Contribution to the Future and the World
We will continue to be a global company that provides “innovative value” for every country and region and works towards creating a new future.
Harmony with Nature and Society
We will actively address environmental problems and contribute towards the realization of a sustainable society for the sake of continual existence and flourishing with nature and the Earth.
Grow and manage the sustainable forest,
Develop and deliver the products from renewable forest
Oji will bring this world a brighter future filled with hope
The forest grown and managed sustainably not only absorbs and fixes carbon dioxide, but also mitigates floods, cultivates water sources such as water purification and prevents natural disaster in addition to its contribution to biodiversity, healing and health enhancement of people.
The products derived from wood utilizing forest resources are made of renewable materials and able to substitute for plastic, films and fuel derived from fossil resources.
Oji Group will confront global warming and environmental issues,
and bring this world a brighter future filled with hope by growing
and managing the sustainable forest and by developing and delivering
the products utilizing renewable forest resources.
Long-term Vision
Group’s Basic Policy
“Growth to Evolution”
1. Initiatives for
Environmental Issues
■Reduction of Greenhouse Gas
■Expansion of Net Absorption Volume by Forests
2. Initiatives for
Profitability Improvement
■Enhancement of Existing Businesses
■Expansion of Highly-expected
3. 3.Initiatives for
Product Development
-Green Innovation-
■Development of Wood-derived
FY2030 Target
・Sales more than ¥2.5 Trillion
・To Achieve Environmental Action Program 2030
Medium-term Management Plan and Management Strategies
Based on our Long-term Vision, we have compiled a medium-term management plan with strategies and targets to be addressed over the next three years in order to realize our aspirations.
We have set consolidated operating profit of 150 billion yen or more as our numerical management target for fiscal 2024, and will pursue a variety of initiatives to enhance the Oji Group's corporate value over the medium to long term.
■Numerical Management Targets for FY2024
Initiatives for Environmental Issues -Sustainability-
<Achieving Environmental Action Program 2030>
Environmental Action Program 2030 as a milestone in the "Environmental Vision 2050" to achieve the net zero carbon goal by OOji Group established 2050, sets a target to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 70% or more in FY2030 compared to FY18. The 70% will consist of (1) 20% reduction of GHG emissions through operations and facility innovations, and (2) the remaining 50% increase in net CO₂ absorption by forests through expansion of afforestation area, each of which will be funded at 100 billion yen, for a total of 200 billion yen.
(1)To reduce GHG emissions, specifically, we will consider fuel conversion for 12 of our 15 domestic coal boilers, excluding spare units, and at the same time promote the use of renewable energy sources such as solar power and biomass.
(2)The increase in net CO₂ absorption by forests is aimed to be achieved by expanding overseas plantation forests from the current 258,000 ha to 400,000 ha.
Initiatives for Profitability Improvement -Profitability-
<Further Business Restructuring>
In existing businesses, we will strengthen our earnings base through thorough cost reductions and other measures, while building an optimal cross-business production system. In promising businesses, we will further expand our operations through strategic investments and M&A in the packaging, household paper and disposable diaper, thermal, and pulp businesses, while at the same time expanding sales of new products and eco-friendly products that meet the needs of the times, including high-performance films and renewable energy.
Initiatives for Product Development -Green Innovation-
<Creating New Core Businesses
A range of core technologies developed through 150 years of paper manufacturing and forestation are the source of Oji Group's innovation and the key to building the core businesses of the future.
There are many themes to be addressed, including "eco-friendly materials and products" to solve various social issues such as climate change, ocean plastic problems, and waste pollution, " entering the medical field" with wood-derived materials, and "total solutions" to meet potential needs and seeds. We will accelerate our efforts toward development and early commercialization.